2500 GRE Most Used Words And GAT Vocabulary With Sentence

Tormentsevere pain or sufferingAs the test date neared, haunting thoughts of failing her exam began to torment her mind.
Torpiddull and slowMy torpid brother rests on the couch all day.
Torporthe state of being motionless or inactiveAfter overeating on Christmas, I fell into a satisfied torpor.
Torquetwisting force causing rotationStreet racers will try to increase the torque in their cars so that their cars will travel at a faster speed.
Torridextremely sweltering and dryIn the summer, the desert’s torrid climate makes it incredibly unpleasant for most people.
Tortuousdevious/not straightforward, containing coils, turns and curvesWhen the tortuous snake moved across the Sahara Desert, his body made an S-shape in the sand.
Totterto move with an unsteady or unsure gait or walkIf you are drunk, you will probably totter to and fro as you walk, because you are too unsteady on your feet to move properly.
ToutTo solicit customers, votes, or patronage, to brag or flauntListening to the basketball player tout his skill becomes boring after a while.
Tractableeasily controlled or guidedThe dog was more tractable when he wore the vibrating collar.
Traitorsomeone who betrays trust, alliance, or dutyThe police apprehended the traitor to the throne and tried him for treason.
Trampleto crush, disfigure, maim, etc., by walking or running over somethingThe girl walked lightly through the garden, carefully watching her feet so that she didn’t trample the beautiful flowers.
Tranquilrelaxed; peacefulThe doctor says I need to be in a tranquil place so I can relax.
Transcendentalrelating to a spiritual realmthe transcendental importance of each person’s soul
Transcribeto change a form of communication into another formWhen I finish my current project, I will transcribe all of the actor’s audiotapes and compile them into a written biography.
Transgressbreak go beyond (a limit)All soldiers who serve their time and never transgress any of the regulations will receive an honorable discharge.
Transientlasting only for a short time; impermanentIf you are a transient person, you never remain in one place for too long.
Transitorybrief, not permanent; temporaryUnfortunately, the homeless people can only stay in the transitory shelter for a short period of time.
Traverseto travel a rough pathThe settlers had to traverse unsafe terrains to reach ground that was suitable for farming.
Travestyparody/imitation, a false or distorted representation of something, usually of something seriousIt would be a travesty of justice to put an innocent man in jail.
Treacherousnot to be trusted, perfidiousDrivers are asked to stay home and avoid the treacherous icy roads. a treacherous Gestapo agen
Trenchantforceful effective vigorous extremely perceptive incisive, sharp or cuttingMarvin’s trenchant wit made him a popular speaker at conservative fundraisers.
Trenchermanperson who eats a lota doughty trencherman who gives the Simpson’s beef trolley a good run for its money
Trepidationa nervous or fearful feelingShaking with trepidation, the young man faced his fear of heights by skydiving.
Trickleflow in dropsBefore it began to gush, the roof leak started off as a trickle.
TriflingunimportantMy time is too valuable to spend on trifling matters that have little worth.
Trilogya group of three things which are relatedThe first book in the trilogy sets the course for the other two books in the series.
Trinketa small showy ornament or piece of jewelryBefore returning from vacation, I purchased a cheap trinket for my daughter Robyn.
Tritenot newI did not finish the novel because the story’s plot was trite and uninspiring.
Trivialof little significance or valueAlthough the role seems trivial at first, a good actor can use it to create a huge impact.
Truantone who skips something importantThe truant hid in the park to avoid taking his midterm exams.
Truce(agreement) stop of fighting for a timeIf the two generals agree to the holiday truce, there will be a ceasefire on Christmas Day.
Truculenceaggressiveness ferocity, quick to fight or argueWhen my uncle drinks too much, he becomes very truculent and will fight anyone
Truculentquick to fight or argueWhen my uncle drinks too much, he becomes very truculent and will fight anyone.
Trudgewalk heavilyDespite three days without food or rest, the weary soldiers continue to trudge over the battlefield.
Truncateto reduce the length of an item by clipping itJill had to truncate her presentation so it would not exceed five minutes.
Tumultconfusion or disorderWhile the political candidate’s popularity rating continues to fall, his office has declined into a state of tumult.
Turbidmuddy having the sediment stirred upI will not drink the turbid water because I cannot see through it.
Turbulencebeing uncontrollably violentThe recession is going to cause turbulent times for families who are already struggling to pay their bills.
Turgidlanguage that is complex and hard to understand, excessively ornate swollen or bloatedThe movie’s plot was so turgid that people left the theater completely confused.
Turmoiltrouble disturbanceThe mayor was not reelected to his office because of his inability to bring the city out of financial turmoil.
Turpitudewickedness shamefulnessIn less than an hour, the judge decided to execute the killer for his moral turpitude.
Turquoisegreenish-blue precious stone, skyblueTurquoise sea, white sand, balmy winds and intriguing locals.
Tutelaryhaving guardianship or protection ofAlthough her grandmother died before her birth, she always felt her tutelary presence was guiding her wherever she went.
Tyroa beginnerJulie is a good violinist, but at 13, she is a tyro and still has a lot to learn.
Ubiquitouspresent everywherehis ubiquitous influence was felt by all the family
Ulteriorsituated beyondPoliticians often use religion as a tool to get people to believe them despite their ulterior motives.
Umbrageoffense resentment, to take offense; to find offensive, The posture of attackingif my freedom of speech was taken away, I’d take umbrage to that.
Unalloyedcompletely genuineWhen my boyfriend proposed to me, I felt unalloyed joy.
Uncouthrough awkward, having a lack of acceptable mannersWhile George comes from a very wealthy family, he often behaves in an uncouth manner and acts as though he has no social skills at all.
Unctuousnot expressing true feelings; pretending to display true feelingsHis unctuous hand gestures let everyone know he was upset about the encounter.
Underbidmake a lower bid then somebody elseThat is, every deal must in total be either overbid or underbid.
Undercuttingoffer goods or services at a lower price than (a competitor).these industries have been undercut by more efficient foreign producers
Undergirdsecure or fasten from the underside, especially by a rope or chain passed underneath.that’s a philosophy that needs to undergird retailers’ business plans this year
Undermineweaken gradually at the base make something underChloe hoped that her allergies were not going to undermine her ability to perform in the recital.
Underscoreto highlightWhen the teacher reviewed the essay with her student, she went out of her way to underscore the paper’s best features.
Underwritesign and accept liability under (an insurance policy), thus guaranteeing payment in case loss or damage occurs.the policy, underwritten at Lloyd’s, indemnifies trustees against loss arising from wrongful acts
Undulateto move in wavelike fashion fluctuate, move with a smooth wavelike motionThe dancers’ movements were arranged so that they seemed to undulate like dolphins with the music.
Unearthdiscover and bring to lightThe scientists were able to unearth several fossils from the bottom of the river bed.
Unencumberedeasy-going trifle, free of to move forward or advanceBecause she had her official transcripts, the woman was unencumbered to move on to any college she wanted.
Unequivocalunquestionably clearThe teacher was impressed by the gifted student’s unequivocal explanation of the complex subject.
Unfeignedreal; not pretenseMost reality shows are scripted and are not unfeigned.
Unfetterrelease from restraint or inhibitionhis imagination is unfettered by the laws of logic
Unfrock, defrockdeprive (a person in holy orders) of ecclesiastical status.he had left his diocese one step ahead of a move to defrock him
Unprecedentedpreviously never experienced or seenThe Internet has erased distance and given people unprecedented access to each other.
Unprepossessinglooking plain or ordinaryThe gate was rusty and unprepossessing, its lack of appeal making it a bad fit for the lovely mansion it led to.
Unscathedunharmed unhurtIt was a miracle Jim survived the car wreck completely unscathed.
Untenablenot capable of being supported or maintainedThe losing debate team had an untenable argument.
Untowardunfortunate inconvenient, inappropriateAs soon as my daughter realized her peers were acting untoward at the party, she left because she did not want to get in trouble.
Unwittingignorant or unawareAt the party, the unwitting young woman was embarrassed to admit that she did not know who the Vice President was.
Upbraidscold reproach, to harshly criticizeWithout a doubt, my parents are going to upbraid me for not passing any of my classes this semester.
Upholdto support or defend somethingThe mother coddles her grown son and will always uphold him, even when what he is doing is wrong.
Uproariousexceptionally funnyThe comedian’s jokes were so uproarious I laughed until my stomach began to hurt.
Upshotthe final or end result of an event or situationThe upshot of the investigation is that the police will not face any charges.
Urbaneelegant refined in mannersHenry is an urbane traveller who has visited over eighty countries.
Usurpto take over; to seize or use something without authorityAfter the king dies, his brother will usurp the throne from the prince.
Usurythe act of lending money at ridiculously excessive rates of interestWhen borrowing money, check the interest rate for usury because you do not want to pay an extreme rate of interest.
Utilitarianuseful and not simply for appearanceThe bed is comfortable and also includes utilitarian features like drawers and bookshelves.
Utopianan idealistic reformerhe describes himself as an educational Utopian
Vacillateto waver between different opinions or actions; be indecisiveIf you ask Paula to choose a restaurant for lunch, she will vacillate between restaurants forever.
Vacillationbeing uncertain hesitatingThe prime minister was in vacillation what to decide.
Vacuityidleness, emptiness or blankness, often used to criticize someone or something because of lackThe Scarecrow’s vacuity led most people to assume that he didn’t have a brain.
Vacuouscontaining lack of thought or intelligence; containing nothing; emptyThere is no substance to her vacuous claim on the property!
Vagarystrange act or idea, an unpredictable action or behaviorHank’s outburst in church was a vagary that simply came out of nowhere.
Vagrantan individual who lacks regular work and moves around frequentlyThe vagrant does not appear to work and frequently asks tourists for money.
Vainwithout use result conceited, without successThe toddler’s attempt to reach the cookie jar on the counter was in vain.
ValiantbraveThe valiant police officer was willing to take on the entire gang to save the little girl.
ValorousbraveFirefighters are valorous every time they rush into a burning building to save people.
Vandalismaction involving deliberate destruction of or damage to public or private propertyTwo teens were charged with vandalism after the spray painted curse words on their elderly neighbor’s garage.
Vanquishconquer, to overcome, beat, or make disappearIn the movies, the superheroes usually vanquish the villains.
Vapidlacking liveliness; dullTo me, baseball is a vapid sport that quickly puts me to sleep.
VariegateTo mark with different shade or colorsBy which he meant : a government variegated by race and gender.
Varnishresin dissolved in a liquid for applying on wood, metal, or other materials to form a hard, clear, shiny surface when dry.several coats of varnish
Veerchange directionIn a split second decision, the student decided to veer left and go home instead of heading to her classes.
VehemenceforcefulnessI was vehement about monitoring the actions of the police as they sought my husband’s killer.
Venalready to do something dishonest, willing to do dishonest things in return for money; willing to take bribesBecause the mayor was a venal man, he had no problem accepting bribes from real estate developers
Veneera pleasant appearance that hides the truthAlthough the celebrity wears a sociable veneer in public, she is ruthless when she deals with people in private.
Venerableworthy of respect because of age, position, or dignityThe Pope is a venerable leader who is recognized for his commitment to helping others.
Venerateto respect or worship someone or somethingThe teacher says we should venerate our parents and our elders.
Venerationregard with deep respectAlthough I do believe we should venerate honest politicians, I do not believe these individuals should be paid large salaries
Venialcapable of being excusedWe excused our son’s venial lies.
Venturingundertake a risky or daring journey or course of actionshe ventured out into the blizzard
Veracioushonest; always truthful“Honest” Abraham Lincoln was known as a veracious president who stood for truth.
VeracitytruthThe police doubted the veracity of the suspect’s alibi.
Verbiagespeech or writing that uses too many words or excessively technical expressionshe book’s verbiage makes it a difficult read.
Verbosedescribed as using an excessive amount of wordsThe verbose man took thirty minutes to give me a simple answer.
Verdantfresh and greenTwo years after they bought the grand old estate, they had finally restored the grounds and gardens to their original verdant grandeur.
Verisimilarseemingly truthful or likelySkilled liars craft verisimilar stories that seem so real that people believe them.
Verisimilitudeappearing TRUE or realEven though Hashim was telling a lie, he still managed to present his story with verisimilitude.
Veritablereal rightly named, used to highlight the realness of a person, place, or thingChocolate is a veritable addiction for many women.
Vertigothe feeling of spinning and being lopsided, often as a result of an inner ear problemBecause Kate suffers from vertigo, it is difficult for her to walk in a straight line.
Vervespirit vigor enthusiasm, a combination of passion and energy that is typically found in artistic expressionJohnny Depp is known for eccentric performances that burst with verve and energy.
Vestigetrace or signAfter the huge fire, only a vestige of the house remained visible among the ashes.
Vestigialan organ or limb that is no longer in use due to evolution but may be used for other unintended purposesPenguins, unlike other birds, have vestigial wings that are too heavy for flight but are perfect for swimming.
Vexannoy distress troubleIf you attempt to vex the dog by pulling his tail, he is sure to bite you!
Viablehaving the possibility of being achieved or developedIf the project is not viable, there is no reason for us to consider it.
Viciousviolent, destructive and cruelAndy was struck by a vicious bout of meningitis which ultimately claimed his life.
Vicissitudea change of circumstances or fortune, typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant.The parental vicissitude I currently have is trying to pay child support for six children.
Vigilancethe state of keeping a careful watch for dangerLack of vigilance caused the Titanic to crash into an iceberg that no one saw coming.
Vigilantwatchful, especially for danger or disorderAlthough this highway is a beautiful drive, you have to stay vigilant for deer and other animals in the road.
Vignettea short but meaningful accountIn my short film class, I shot a vignette about the life of a homeless teenager.
Vigorphysical or mental strength/forceThe spirited bodybuilder attacked his workouts with energetic vigor.
Vigorousstrong energeticThe older woman was unable to participate in the vigorous boot camp training.
Vilificationcriticism, abusively disparaging speech or writinghe vilification of minority groupings
Vilifyslander say evil things, to utter slanderous and abusive statements againstHalle’s husband tried to vilify her during their child custody battle.
Vindicateto clear from an accusation, suspicion or criticismDon’t even try to use your charm and good looks to vindicate your obnoxious behavior last night.
Vindictivehaving a desire to revenge, having or showing a desire to hurt someone who has hurt or caused problems for youMy aunt is a vindictive woman who once burned all my uncle’s clothes.
Viragoa loud domineering woman a scold or nag, bad-tempered womanI refuse to go your mother’s house,” Karen said angrily to her husband, “because that virago is always yelling at the kids and demanding we do everything she says.”
Virtuositygreat skill in music or another artformThe artist’s amazing virtuosity allowed her to work with many different mediums.
Virtuosoa person (esp. a musician) who does something in a very skillful wayRuben is a musical virtuoso who runs his own school of music.
Virulentextremely dangerous and deadly and usually spreading very quicklyThe firemen had to wear masks that would protect them from the virulent fumes.
Visceralof the internal organs of the body, based on emotional reactions rather than on reason or thoughtAlthough I admit that there’s definitely a visceral power in his art, I can’t look at it for very long because I find it so disturbing.
Viscoussticky/semi-fluidIt seemed to take forever for the viscous cough medicine to come out of the bottle.
Vitalessential for somethingPeanut butter is a vital ingredient in the recipe for peanut butter cookies.
Vitiatelower the quality weaken the strengthWhile some public servants are found to be corrupt, it is impossible to vitiate the integrity of the majority of law enforcement officers by offering them a bribe.
Vitrioliccorrosive; sarcastic, harsh or corrosive in toneYour vitriolic comments about my dress hurt my feelings!
Vituperatecurse abuse in wordsWe are sure that the nail technicians vituperate us in their own language when they are irritated.
Vivaciouslively high-spirited, (especially of a woman) attractively lively and animatedVivacious actresses typically get picked for comedic roles where the characters are very active by running around.
Vivacity(especially in a woman) the quality of being attractively lively and animatedhe was struck by her vivacity, humour and charm
Vivifyto arouse, stimulate or invigorateExercise and eating healthy can really vivify someone into doing more activities in their day due to their increase in energy.
Vociferousmaking a loud outcryThe protestors were vociferous as they screamed outside of the government building.
Volatilechangeable inconstant fickle unstable explosiveThe couple’s volatile marriage ended with one of their murders.
Volubilityfluency verbosity easy use of spoken languageAfter my grandfather drinks a few beers, he becomes voluble and will not stop talking.
VolublefluentAfter my grandfather drinks a few beers, he becomes voluble and will not stop talking.
Voluminousspacious; roomyThe hospital is adding a more voluminous waiting room on to his building in order to hold more patients.
Voluptuousarousing sensual pleasuresAlthough I love to experience a voluptuous evening out at the theater and an expensive dinner, I also enjoy the simple pleasure of watching the sun rise or hearing birds sing.
Voracioushaving a large appetite; greedyThe football player was a voracious eater who easily consumed two chickens during one meal.
Vulnerableexposed or in a position that cannot be completely defendedThe poorly built castle was vulnerable to attack.
Vulpinerelating to a fox or foxes.the thriving vulpine population
Waffletalk vaguely and without much resultThe speech was a lot of waffle about politics
Waftscent waving movement carry lightly throughWhen my mother removes the lid off the pot, the smell of delicious homemade chicken soup will waft throughout the house.
Wagmerry person, (especially with reference to an animal’s tail) move or cause to move rapidly to and fro.his tail began to wag
Waiveto give up one’s rights or claimsBecause Bill knows he is innocent, he is going to waive his right to an attorney.
Wanlooking ill, not brightAlthough the toddler was quite ill, he still managed to give his mother a wan smile.
Waneto gradually decrease in value or intensityJohn asked his wife for a divorce when his feelings for her started to wane.
Wantonunrestrained; willfully malicious; unchaste, having no concern for the rights, feelings, or safety of othersThe man is probably going to get the death penalty for his wanton killing of six schoolchildren.
Wardrobea large, tall cupboard in which clothes may be hung or storedshe left the doors of the wardrobe open
Warmongerperson who stirs up warThe Serbian president, turned from warmonger to peacemaker
Warrantauthority written order guaranteeWithout a warrant signed by the court, the officers had no legal right to search the man’s vehicle.
Warycaution; guarded; carefulCompared to the other animals in the shelter, the greyhound seems more wary around people, as if she has been abused.
Waverto be uncertainI am certain of my selection so my decision will not waver.
Waxto expand or enlarge in appearance, amount or powerWhen the population began to wax, there were fewer jobs and much more pollution in the city.
Waylayto actively block an individual’s path in order to interrogate, detain, etc.The police officer stepped in front of the distraught woman to waylay her before she reached the crime scene.
Weanto turn away (from a habit)he patient must wean his body off alcohol before he can leave the hospital.
Wearyworn out; exhaustedAfter the long road trip, we were all so weary we fell asleep in our clothes.
Weighmeasure hoe heavy something isIf you weight the fruit, it should equal one pound.
Weightyheavy; heftyThe weighty dresser was difficult to move from one room to the next.
Welterturmoil a bewildering jumble, wild disorderThe classroom was in a welter when the teacher did not show up for class.
Wendto go proceedMiles of trails wend their way through the trees and meadows.
Wheedleto try and persuade using flatteryWhen my sister could not pay her light bill, she batted her eyelashes at the clerk in an attempt to wheedle an extension
Whelpa baby dog or wolf; a puppyThe little whelp will cry anytime the momma dog is away from him too long.
Whetto trigger or make desireThe mobile phone company uses celebrity endorsements to make consumers whet their phones.
Whimsicalfull of odd and fanciful ideasThe whimsical music made me feel like a little kid again.
Whittleto reduce or gradually eliminate somethingHer patience began to whittle when the students would not stop talking.
Wilea trickShe tried to lure him with her wiles
Willfuldeclining to alter one’s behavior or opinionsThe willful boy refused to take his seat in class.
Wilysneaky and calculatingThe wily cartoon character was always thinking of ways to steal food.
Winceshow bodily or mental pain, to make a tensing movement as a result of distress or painThe electric shock made the dog wince.
Wispy(of hair, threads, smoke, etc.) fine; feathery.the sky was blue with a few wispy clouds
Wistfulsad and reflectiveWhen I visit my mother’s grave, I feel wistful.
Withholdrefuse to give (something that is due to or is desired by another).the name of the dead man is being withheld
Wootry to winhe wooed her with quotes from Shakespeare. try to gain the love of (a woman
Writwritten order, the power to enforce submission and complianceThe police have the writ and right to enforce the law, as their actions are condoned and supported by the government.
WryMocking or sarcastic in nature; dry humorBill’s wry sense of humor made it difficult to be taken seriously at the office.
Xenophile (zen-uh-fahyl)a person who is attracted to foreign peoples culturesThe American professor is a xenophile particularly interested in Roman cathedrals.
Xenophobedeep-rooted fear towards foreignersDefinition of xenophobe. : one unduly fearful of what is foreign and especially of people of foreign origin.
Yarntale story fibers for knitting, to tell a long and unlikely storyYou should not yarn on with your stories, as adding untrue embellishments might make for a better tale, but not for an honest one.
Yeomanman owning small estate; middle-class farmerBecause he was born to a yeoman, it was likely that he would grow up to farm the same land.
Zanyunique and amusingThe comedian’s zany performances are hilarious and never fail to engage the audience.
Zeala lot of energy, effort, and enthusiasmJack’s zeal made him stand above all the other candidates during the interview process.
Zealotone who is uncompromising and fanatical in pursuit of his idealsThe religious zealot was willing to break the law to follow his prophet’s orders.
Zeniththe strongest or most successful period of timeBefore her zenith ended, Meredith published six best-selling books.